Watch live Premier League Football at the Irish Club. Contact us to see what games we are showing across our six big screens.
Sunday 9 April Ticketed event organised by Cairde Sinn Fein to remember the heroes of Easter 1916 who sacrificed everything in the cause of a free and United Ireland. Everyone is welcome to come alongRead more
Join us at the Irish Club for our monthly Seniors Lunch on the first Friday over every month. Enjoy live music, a quiz and buffet lunch from 12midday for $25. To book-in please contact 9381Read more
Friday 17 March Everyone is welcome at the home of St Patrick’s Day – the Irish Club of WA. The Club is open from 9am for an Irish Fry Up and your first Guinness ofRead more
Irish Club of WA
61 Townshend Road, Subiaco,
Western Australia, 6008
Phone Number
(08) 9381 5213
Email Address
The Irish Club of WA was founded in 1950, to create a hub for Irish emigrants to have a place to socialise and build a sense of community in a foreign land. Over the years, the Club has expanded its role in Western Australian society.
Where once, it was a one-way trip to the Great Southern Continent, today’s Irish population in WA can travel home with great ease. To help the Irish Club maintain and re-imagine itself as the hub of Irish Culture in WA.