The Management Committee of the Irish Club of WA is committed to ensuring the health, safety and welfare of the working environment for its staff, members, guests and visitors. As a consequence of this, we encourage all staff members to regard accident prevention and working safely as a collective and individual responsibility.
The purpose of this policy is to ensure staff members are aware of their responsibilities as employees of the Irish Club and under associated legislation, and are committed to ensuring the health and well-being of colleagues, members, guests and visitors.
The Management Committee recognises its moral and legal responsibilities to provide a safe and healthy work environment for its employees, members, guests and visitors. The Management Committee further endeavours to ensure that their operations do not place the wider community at risk of injury or illness.
The Management Committee is committed to:
- Undertaking risk management activities to adequately manage risks to persons in the work environment, including review of changes to work methods and practices;
Occupational Health & Safety Policy March 2012. 2
- Compliance with all relevant legislation standards, and other requirements to which the Irish Club subscribes;
- Ensuring that all plant, equipment and substances are safe and without risk to health when used in accordance with standard operating procedures;
- Maintaining safe systems of work, the work premises and the work environment, including systems to adequately manage emergency response;
- Providing appropriate OH&S training to all employees;
- Regularly reviewing and evaluating Health and Safety Management systems, including audits and workplace inspections;
The Club President as the responsible officer will be accountable for providing a healthy and safe workplace for employees and will ensure adequate resources are provided to meet the health and safety objectives and implement supporting strategies. In particular, will ensure:
- appropriate health and safety policies and procedures are developed and implemented to enable the effective management of health and safety and control of risks to health and safety;
- mechanisms are provided which enable the identification, development, implementation and review of appropriate health, safety and welfare related policies and procedures;
- staff are provided with the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively enable them tocarry out their health and safety responsibilities;
- mechanisms are provided to regularly monitor and report on health and safety
- Occupational Health and Safety Policy is reviewed biennially to ensure it remains accurate and in line with legislative requirements. The Club Manager will be held accountable for coordinating the Irish Club’s management of health and safety on behalf of the Club President and shall:
- coordinate the identification, development, implementation and review of and necessary health and safety-related policies and procedures;
- assist staff in the identification, assessment and selection of measures to control hazards and risks to health and safety (Appendix B); which must be completed before 30 June each year and a report submitted to the enxt meeting of the Irish Club Committee;
- assist staff in monitoring and evaluating hazards and risk control measures;
- ensure that all employees are provided with the necessary information, instruction and training to effectively and safely carry out their jobs.
- ensure that all incidents are reported and investigated, and basic cause and control strategies are identified
- monitor and provide regular reports to the Committee of the Irish Club of WA Occupational Health & Safety Policy March 2012. 3 Employees have a legal duty to take care to protect their own health and safety and to avoid adversely affecting the health and safety of any other person. Employees have a responsibility to:
- report any incident or hazards at work to the Club Manager;
- carry out their roles and responsibilities as detailed in the relevant health and safety policies and procedures;
- obey any reasonable instruction aimed at protecting their health and safety while at work;
- use any equipment provided to protect their health and safety while at work;
- assist in the identification of hazards, the assessment of risks and the implementation of risk control measures;
- consider and provide feedback on any matters which may affect their health and safety;
- ensure they are not affected by alcohol or another drug which may endanger their own or any other persons’ health and safety. Contractors, members, guests and visitors to the Irish club are required to:
- comply with the occupational health and safety policies and procedures
- observe directions on occupational health and safety from Irish Club employees