Honorary Life Membership is the highest accolade and most prestigious award available to the Irish Club. As such the nomination and award should be given most careful consideration.
Honorary Life Membership
Honorary Life Membership is a special form of membership that may be bestowed upon any person who has made an outstanding and significant contribution over an extended period of time towards the development and operations of the Irish Club of WA. An Honorary Life Member shall not be required to pay membership fees for that membership.
Nominations for Life Membership, together with an appropriate support statement specifically detailing the nominee’s involvement within and with the Irish Club and contributions to it, must be submitted in writing to the Management Committee at least ten (10) weeks prior to the Annual General Meeting of the Irish Club. Only financial members of the Irish Club can submit such a nomination. The nomination must be made on the pro forma attached to this policy. All relevant sections should be completed and no other form of nomination shall be considered. This nomination form will be used as the basis of the citation to be awarded with the symbol of Life Membership.
Exceptional Circumstances
The Management Committee shall have the ability to consider and award Honorary Life Membership to a person at a time outside of these guidelines if exceptional circumstances exist. Exceptional circumstances could be an impending death or permanent departure from Western Australia.
Upon receipt of any nominations for this award, the President of the Irish Club shall refer the nomination to the Management Committee. The committee shall consider the merit of the application and shall announce its decision to the Annual General Meeting.
Symbol of Award
The symbol of this award shall be a certificate (or such object as may be determined from time to time), and the Citation in a format suitable for framing, which will be presented to approved recipient/s at a ceremony in conjunction to the Annual General Meeting.
Guide to Nomination Criteria
Honorary life membership may be recommended for any highly meritorious contribution to the Irish Club. The following do not attempt to be exhaustive guidelines, but rather to give ideas and scope to the types of contribution that could be rewarded.
- The nominee has made a significant contribution to the management of the Irish Club over an extensive period of time (perhaps 10 years) in an administrative capacity.
- The nominee has made a significant contribution to the continued success of the Irish Club over an extensive period of time in an individual or community capacity (perhaps 10 years).
- The nominee has made a significant contribution to the Irish Club through an associated or kindred organization including sponsorship, sport, cultural or other bodies over an extensive period of time (perhaps 10 years).
All details of the history of contribution should be included on the attached nomination form.